Safe School
If you feel you are being bullied at Elbert School you may report the incident by clicking the link below to the Bully Report.
what is s2tco
"Safe2Tell Colorado provides students and adults in Colorado schools and communities an increased ability to both prevent and report violence, by making safe, ANONYMOUS reports. The 24-hour bystander tip line, staffed by professionals from the Colorado State Patrol, is available to students, parents, and communities to report any kind of concern for their safety or the safety of others. The Safe2Tell Colorado tip line is completely anonymous and does not have caller ID. The focus of Safe2Tell is early intervention and prevention.
Since 2004, Safe2Tell Colorado has received over 13,000 reports from concerned students, parents, and community members on issues relating to bullying, suicides, substance abuse, child abuse, planned school attacks, mental health issues, and other concerning behaviors. Tips received have resulted in thousands of preventions statewide.
Safe2Tell® is a state-funded strategic initiative of the Colorado Department of Law, Office of the Attorney General.
The strategy focuses on Colorado children and youth and the issues they face today. The model was based on the Columbine Commission Report’s recommendation that students need a safe and anonymous way to keep lines of communication open. They realized that tragedies could be prevented if young people had a way to tell someone what they knew without fearing retaliation.
The anonymity of all Safe2Tell reports is protected by C.R.S. 07-197. This means the reporting party remains UNKNOWN by Colorado state law.
Now, using Safe2Tell®, they only have to make a call to make a difference. By calling 1-877-542-7233 or submitting a tip through this website, young people can help anyone who is in trouble or prevent a tragedy.
Here's how it works:
There are three options available to make a report:
Mobile App: The Safe2Tell Colorado mobile app is available on the Apple Store (ios) or Google Play (android) and safety concerns may be reported using the app on a smartphone. Photos and videos may also be uploaded.
Web at safe2tellco.org: Safety concerns may be submitted anonymously including the option to include photos and videos, online at Submit A Tip.
Call 1-877-542-7233: Students, parents, and community members call a toll-free number 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to speak to a trained professional who will gather information about their safety concerns.
The dispatcher taking the information may engage in a two-way dialogue with the reporter to collect additional information needed.
The reporting party is given a tip code number and password to remain anonymous.
Safe2Tell sends tips to schools and law enforcement for their investigation and prevention efforts at the local level.
Outcomes are reported back to Safe2Tell for accountability.
What you can do as parents:
Engage: Have a conversation with your student about their concerns and reporting safety issues.
Equip: Verify that your students have downloaded the Safe2Tell mobile app to their smartphone.
Empower: Encourage your student to be a part of the safer schools and community solution
When you have a concern about your safety or the safety of someone else: don't ignore it, please report it.
For more information: 720-508-6800 or info@safe2tell.org Colorado Office of the Attorney General, 1300 Broadway, 6th Floor, Denver, CO, 80203
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