Welcome To The Parent & GUARDIAN's Resource Page
At the Elbert School we love to communicate with our student's parents and guardians. We feel it is very important to have parent involvement and input throughout a child's career at Elbert School. You are always welcome to schedule meetings with specific teachers and administrators to discuss your child's progress.
Additionally, we offer online resources to track your child's classwork.
In an effort to simplify the enrollment process the district is using EZSchoolEnroll. Please enroll your students now and remember to fill out all of the "My Forms"
Link to EZSchoolEnroll
Directions to help you through the process - EZSchoolEnroll Parent Instructions
If your child is new to the district please call the main office 303-648-3030 for registration information.
Elbert School provides EZSchoolPay, the secure online way to pay for LUNCHES for the convenience of our parents and guardians.
Attached is a Parent How-To Guide that will walk you through the process of setting up an account. Once you have a valid account, you may immediately prepay for your child’s lunches. This easy to use system will update your account within 10 minutes of making a purchase. You can use this system any time day or night. You also have the option of an automatic withdrawal from your bank or credit card to keep your lunch account funded, and to get reminders when the lunch account is low. *You will be charged a small fee each time you use this system (currently $3.50). Participation in EZSchoolPay is completely voluntary.
If you have any questions about the Lunch account, please contact Lynette Rogers at 303-648-3030 EXT 535 or email lrogers@elbertschool.org.
School Wellness and Nutrition
Research supports links of healthy eating and physical activity to increased academic performance. Our students today spend up to 13 years and 8 hours a day enrolled in school and it is our belief we play an important role in their health and nutrition. Elbert School Dist. #200 provides our students access to nutritious meals and snacks, opportunities and activities for physical exercise, and the ability to learn about healthy life style choices.
The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 and, the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, requires that Elbert School Dist. #200 participate in the National School Lunch Program and develop a School Wellness Policy and a Nutritious Foods Choices Policy. For more information please see:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Health and Academic Achievement
Colorado Department of Education School Wellness Policies - Best Practices
Colorado Department of Education-Civil Rights
USDA Nondiscrimination Statement
USDA Food and Nutrition Service-Civil Rights
Summer Food Service Program-For more information visit kidsfoodfinder.org for the availability and location of free meals for students of qualifying families during the summer months. Or call the Hunger Free Hotline toll-free at (855) 855-4626 to be connected to food resources in Colorado.
Free and reduced meal application and information
Your children may qualify for free or reduced price school meals. Please see the following documents to apply.
Informational Letter to Household (23-24) Free and Reduced EZ Meal App (23-24) Free and Reduced Printable Application (23-24) Free and Reduced - Price School Meal Policy (22-23)
Immunization Information
State Board of Health rule 6 CCR 1009-2. C.R.S. 25-4-902 requires students to be immunized prior to attending school unless exempted by law. https://www.cde.state.co.us/planning20-21/immunization
Colorado law requires all students attending Colorado schools and licensed child cares to be vaccinated against certain diseases unless they have a certificate of medical or nonmedical exemption on file. You must file a certificate of exemption at each school, or child care the student attends. To protect unvaccinated children, students with an exemption from one or more required vaccines may be kept out of a school or child care during a disease outbreak.
Exemptions you file with us to include in CIIS are confidential.
If you choose to include your exemption information in CIIS, you have the ability to opt-out at any time.
K - 12th Grade School Required Immunizations Chart - 2021-2022 School Year
FAQ 21-22 Colorado School Required Vaccines for Child Care & K-12th grades
Medical Exemptions
Students with a completed Certificate of medical exemption signed by an advanced practice nurse, a delegated physician assistant, or physician licensed to practice medicine or osteopathic medicine in any state or territory of the United States will need to submit this Certificate only once unless the student’s information or school changes.
You can submit a Certificate of medical exemption with CDPHE to include in the Colorado Immunization Information System (CIIS).
Per Colorado Revised Statutes 25-4-2403(2.5), immunizing providers must submit medical exemption data to CIIS.
Nonmedical Exemptions
Beginning in the 2021-2022 school year (7/1/2021), the process of submitting a nonmedical exemption will change. There will be two ways to submit a nonmedical exemption.
Submit the Certificate of nonmedical exemption WITH a signature from an immunizing provider in Colorado who is a medical doctor, doctor of osteopathic medicine, advanced practice nurse, delegated physician’s assistant, or pharmacist OR
Submit the Certificate of nonmedical exemption received upon the completion of CDPHE’s Online Immunization Education Module.
Per Colorado Revised Statutes 25-4-2403, immunizing providers who sign the Certificate of Nonmedical Exemption must submit nonmedical exemption data to CIIS
Parents of students in preschool or child care must submit nonmedical exemptions at 2, 4, 6, 12 and 18 months of age. These exemptions expire when the next vaccines are due or when the child enrolls in kindergarten. Parents of students in grades K-12 claiming a nonmedical exemption must submit one annually. Nonmedical exemptions expire June 30th each year. If you submit a Certificate of nonmedical exemption on or before June 30th, it will not be valid for the upcoming school year unless you submit the exemption during early registration.
Students in college/university claiming a nonmedical exemption must submit a Certificate of Nonmedical Exemption upon enrollment.
Online Immunization Education Module
In order to successfully move through this Online Module and obtain the Certificate, you must review the “Technical Guidance and Troubleshooting Document”. Technical Guidance and Troubleshooting pdf
The Online Immunization Education Module is available 24 hours a day and seven days a week. It can take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
At the completion of the module, you will be able to complete an electronic form to obtain a Certificate of nonmedical exemption. You can complete this form for more than one child without having to retake the course.
IMPORTANT: Certificates of Nonmedical Exemption expire each year on June 30th. If you submit a Certificate of nonmedical exemption on or before June 30th, it will not be valid for the upcoming school year unless you submit the Certificate during early registration.
Parents Online Portal
Elbert School does not send out paper progress reports or test scores. Each parent is provided a username and password to access our Parents On-Line resource, which is our main form of communication regarding grades and test scores. If you have forgotten your username or password, please contact Maretta Glander (mglander@elbertschool.org) 303-648-3030 ext 115.
SchoolMessenger Parent Notification System
Elbert School District uses SchoolMessenger as our school to home communication system. The school will use SchoolMessenger to notify parents by phone, text and email in the event of an emergency, school closing or other event. Please make sure the office has accurate contact information. Registering for the Info Center of SchoolMessenger allows parents and guardians to choose how they receive important messages. For more information on how to set up an account see the Parent Instructions and also the SchoolMessenger FAQ.
If you have further questions you can contact Kyrei Zion via email: kzion@elbertschool.org.
Parent / Teacher Conferences
Elbert School conducts two formal parent/teacher conferences during the school year. Parents are required to attend these two meetings to discuss their child's progress. Parents are always encouraged to schedule extra meetings with their child’s instructors if desired.
Parent/Teachers Conferences will be held October 14, 2024 and March 10, 2025.
Resources Beyond The Classroom
Available Student Supports:
Elbert offers assistance to students who may need extra attention in the educational setting. These resources are free to the students and vary in their level of involvement and duration. The student programs commonly include extra study sessions, additional instruction, mentoring, and social support. If you would like more information about these programs please see the information below or contact Carrie LaFollette, Student Support Center Coordinator at 303-648-3030 ext. 433 or by email: clafollette@elbertschool.org.
Special Education Rules and Regulations
Gifted & Talented Program
Elbert School participates in the Gifted & Talented program as outlined by the Pikes Peak Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES). There are a variety of ways a student can be identified and qualify to participate in the Gifted & Talent program. Please see the Gifted & Talented page.
Accident and Dental Insurance
Our student's safety and well-being is our greatest concern and we want them to have medical care in case of an accident. We encourage parents and guardians to enroll their children in accident and medical insurance programs. There are several low cost plans available including K & K Insurance Group or Young Group. Check with an insurance company for additional plans.
The State of Colorado offers Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+), which is for families that earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, but cannot afford private health insurance. The State of Colorado Website provides additional information about medical insurance programs.
Sex Offender Information
Elbert School District is required by law to provide information to parents and eligible students identifying where and how members of the community may obtain information collected by law enforcement agencies related to registered sex offenders. Please see the Sex Offender Directory for additional information.
School Safety
Elbert School District models the Five Fs response protocol. More information can be found on the following website:
The district plans to use the Lifespot technology mentioned on the web-site once it is made available.
Rocky Mountain Poison Control Center
"At the Rocky Mountain Poison Center, we provide confidential advice on any type of poisoning, overdose, accidental medication error (prescription and/or over-the-counter) exposure to chemicals, gases including carbon monoxide, envenomations (snakes, spiders, etc.), drugs of abuse, the list goes on! We are open every minute of every day of the year, including holidays and weekends. We have translation services, so language barriers are not a problem for us. In an actual emergency, please call 800-222-1222 for immediate assistance and you will be connected with a Specialist in Poison Information. Also, we have a variety of poison prevention newsletters and guides available on our website. Visit http://www.rmpdc.org/about-rmpdc/outreach/poison-prevention-tips for more information."
Planning for post secondary education for your child? Here is a link to Consumer Affairs Review of the Best Student Loans.
Important Dates
Parent/Teacher conferences:
Monday, October14, 2024
Monday, March 10, 2025
Early Access-Pikes Peak BOCES participates in the Early Access to Educational Services K-1. This took effect the beginning of the school year 2008 after the Colorado General Assembly passed legislation in 2008, House Bill 08-1021. In order for this process to move efficiently and for the benefit of these young children, our process of identification begins February 1st and parents will be notified of the determination by May 5th. Please do remember this is not a recruitment effort on our part but a process set forth by the parent seeking Early Access for their highly gifted child. Early Access Brochure
Volunteer Opportunities
Lunch Monitor
Recess Monitor
Elementary Classroom Volunteer
Preschool Classroom Volunteer
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