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24489 Main Street
Elbert, CO, 80106
United States


Financial Transparency Icon (212x151).jpg


2021-2022 Return to Learn and ESSER III

District Financial Audit

 2014-2015                2015-2016               2016-2017                2017-2018   2018-2019               2019-2020    

2020-2021            2021-2022          2022-2023                                                                                                                    

Disclaimer:  Please consider the context when evaluating financial transactions.  Some transactions may appear improper on the surface but are perfectly normal and justifiable when placed in the proper context.  We welcome your questions regarding our financial transactions or records.

·         List of Waivers Received by the School District – this item does not apply

·         Standardized Description and Rational for Each Automatic Waiver – this item does not apply

·         Federal Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF and any associated schedules – this item does not apply

·         Plan Distributing Additional Mill Levy Revenue or Statement of Intent to Distribute – this does not apply

District Informational Summary

Supplement, Not Supplant

Elbert School District #200 never considers federal funding (Title I Part A) in allocating state and local funding to its Title I school (Elementary). Based on a comprehensive needs assessment, as documented in the Unified Improvement Plan (UIP), the district allocates state and local funds to meet the Identified needs of students and schools at each building level (elementary, middle and high school). In preparing the annual budget, the district focuses on any changes and the specific needs of each building. Typically, that includes budget items such as: staffing (FTE), limit guidelines on class size (elementary approximately 15 students, middle school approximately 20 students, high school approximately 25 students), and supplies and material related to the curriculum. Budget allocations for staff may be administrative, support and teachers, based on core, specials and elective course offerings. The allocations are developed to maintain limits on class size. Utilizing state and local dollars, teachers are allocated a classroom budget, with consideration given to increased costs in specific areas. Federal funds are never used to back fund any potential loss of local or state monies. This methodology ensures our Title I school receives the same amount of state and local funding it would have received, regardless of whether it received federal funding under Title I Part A. The district's method used to allocate state and local funds is Title I neutral because it gives no consideration to Title I funds. As per state requirements, all financial documents are posted on the district's financial transparency page. 

Kelli Thompson-Superintendent
Phone: (303)-648-3030

Shawn Graves-Principal
Phone: (303)-648-3030

Elbert School District 200
24489 Main Street
Elbert, CO 80106
Phone: (303) 648-3030
Fax: (303) 648-3652

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